Maesybryn Primary School

Welcome to our blog that will keep you up to date with the events of the school. If you would like to view our web site click on the link.

Friday, 30 April 2010

So Proud

What a wonderful week. I have been so proud of everyone. On Monday I received a certificate from the NSPCC for the amazing £2600 that was raised by the school to stop cruelty to children. Then on Wednesday I watched our Year 6 present their SAFE project to parents and staff from all of the cluster schools and the police. I have to say that ours were clearly the best in their presentation and behaviour - a credit to us all. The week ended with our fabulous African celebration. It was fantastic to see the children's work and the experiences of Mrs. Decaro and Mrs. Dobbins. We are so grateful to all who attended and helped raise £590 for our twin school in Uganda - they will now be able to buy a new well and possibly the solar panel. What is more, we have gained a tremendous bank of work for all areas of the curriculum. Can I thank all of you but especially my wonderful staff and brilliant children for making all of this possible.

Don't forget there is no school on Monday - so enjoy the long weekend.

Mr. Roberts

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Maesybryn says "Mwlembe!"

Don't forget our African evening next Thursday at 6pm. Come and find out about our trip to Uganda.....see what went on at school last week.....enjoy some African themed entertainment.....
also stalls- fairtrade tombola, nearly new jewellery and accessories, name the elephant, sportswear (new) - donated by WRU, refreshments, raffle....
(any donations to the above stalls welcomed!)

See you there!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Bag2school Fund Raiser

The PTA are organising 'Bag2school'this term. Please collect up your unwanted clothes,etc. Bags will go home on Friday 11th June. These should then be brought back to school on Wednesday 16th June for collection. Last time we did this we raised £246.00!

Mrs Channon

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Important - Letters to Parents

This week we are sending out various letters to parents are regarding changes planned for this the Summer Term and Autumn Term.
  • Homework
  • School Times
  • Music
  • Volunteers

If you do not receive these letters please let us know ASAP. More information will be placed on the Blogg shortly.

Monday, 19 April 2010

After School Clubs start this week

After School Clubs – Summer Term
The following clubs will be run after school this term
starting next week [19th April 2010]
Monday Martial Arts Year 5/6 [Outside Coach]

Tuesday Cookery Year 3 [Mrs Burton-Little]
Tuesday Netball Year 5/6 [Miss Jervis/Mrs Price]
Tuesday Football Year 3/4 [until half-term] [Mr Monk]
Cricket Year 5/6 Letters to follow [start after half-term][Mr Monk]

Wednesday Rugby Year 5/6 [for 2 weeks] [Mr Monk]
Athletics All Juniors Letters to follow [start w/c 3rd May][Mr Monk]
Wednesday Badminton Year 5/6 [until half-term] [Mr Roberts]
Tennis Letters to follow [start after half-term][Mr Roberts]
Thursday Music Year 2 [Mrs Decaro]

Clubs will start straight after school and finish at 4.30pm [except Mini Music which finishes at 4.15pm.] Parents will be responsible for their child after 4.30 p.m.

Mr Roberts
Head teacher

Monday, 12 April 2010

After School Clubs

After school clubs will resume week commencing 19th April 2010

Friday, 9 April 2010

Africa week

At Maesybryn we are all looking forward to celebrating Africa week - April 19th - 23rd. We are expecting many visitors to help us learn about Africa - including an art workshop, African drumming session, an African storyteller and lots more...On Thursday, April 29th, at 6pm we are holding an African evening - for parents and friends, called
Maesybryn says "Mwlembe!"
There will be African entertainment, news of our friends in Sikusi Primary School, an exhibition of Africa week activities, stalls, raffle, entertainment. Don't miss it!