Thanks to everyone who has returned their sponsor money. So far we have raised over £600 to be distributed between the school, Sikusi Primary in Uganda and Diabetes UK. Once all of the money has come in, I shall invite someone from Diabetes UK to come in and collect a donation. Well done to everyone.
A reminder that the shoe boxes for the Christmas Child Appeal need to be in by Tuesday at the very latest. I have about 20 at the moment but would like to send 50 if possible.
The school has been chosen by the Souh Wales Echo to share with 99 other schools, £50,000. The size of the share we get depends on the number of tokens we collect from the newspaper as part of their "Kit4Kids" Please help us to collect as many as we can - the top pize is £5000!!!
Are any of you keen gardeners and could give up an hour over the next few weeks? Mrs. Hewison has managed to get over 2500 bulbs for us. We need to plant them over the next few weeks with the children. If you can help, please speak to Mrs. Decaro or myself.
Finally, my day has been made wonderful by a big smile and a visit from Tegan in our Reception class. Tegan has been very ill recently and to see her back here for a short while has cheered everyone up!!
Mr. Roberts