Maesybryn Primary School

Welcome to our blog that will keep you up to date with the events of the school. If you would like to view our web site click on the link.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Christmas Shopping?

The Pta have registered the school on the
If you are shopping please try and use this link and raise money for our school.

Every time you purchase from a retailer link on this site Maesybryn Primary School will earn a donation. Simply click on your chosen retailer and shop as usual. The hidden code in the link will be used to used to track your purchase back to the school.

Here are some of the sites available through this link - Early Learning Centre, Baker Ross, Yellow Moon, Mothercare, Tesco direct, Toyrus,

Please have a look
Many thanks

Snow update.

Parents, school will be open today but please take care of slippery patches around the school.
Thank you.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Book Fayre

Book Fayre is in school all the week from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Any commission earned through sales during the fayre is used to purchase more books for school, so please come and support the school and do some Christmas shopping! If you can't get to school don't forget you can use the order form that was sent home last week.
Thank you for your support

School Open Mon 29th November

The school is open as normal.
If the school is closed at any time , a message will be posted here at 8am in the morning.

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Having seen the snow in other parts of the country, I thought it timely to remind you all of what to do if it snows. We will always try to keep the school open, even with a reduced staff but it may be necessary to close the school if conditions are too icy and dangerous or if it is impossible to get to the school. If this happens I shall make a decision by 7.30am in the morning and post this on the blog. If I can make this decision earlier, I shall but I would n't like to close the school the night before and then find the situation has changed over night. I also inform BBC Radio Wales and they update their website regularly. You can also ring the school from 8.00am onwards.

If it starts to snow during a school day and we have to close, we will ring you straight away but will always look after your children until someone collects, no child would be sent home unless we know that they will be looked after.

I hope that this is useful but that we do not have to use these procedures before Christmas. Just to remind you, if school is shut before Christmas, we will have to forfeit the INSET day on the 4th January and children will be expected into school on that day.

Thanks for your support.

Mr. Roberts

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas Cards - Eco Schools Project

Dear Parents,
Here at Maesybryn Primary School we take pride in recycling and are very happy to have received our Bronze Award in Eco-schools.

We would like to continue our success from last year with children donating just ONE Christmas card to their whole class which will be displayed within the classroom. If children wish they could design their own card and have the pride of it being displayed in class.

Of course the giving of Christmas cards is a personal decision and your choice but we feel that with our vision of being an Eco-School in mind and the expense of cards at the moment, that this would be a worthwhile act.

We would be grateful for your co-operation and any thoughts.
Thank you
Mrs Street
Eco-School Project Leader

Saturday, 20 November 2010

After School Clubs

After school clubs for football, badminton, rugby and netball have now finished for Christmas.

However Mr Barratt is trying to arrange a rugby game for the Friday 10th December - details to follow.

Rugby training will resume on Friday 7th January 2011. Details for other clubs will follow in the new year.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Children In Need - Thursday 18th Nov - non school uniform day

The pupils in year 6 are organising Children in Need day tomorrow [Thursday 18th]. It is a non-school uniform day -fine is 50p.  Year 6 want pupils to come in their pyjamas!! [please don't wear slippers-trainers please! and remember to bring a coat!]

If you have any nearly new toys or books please bring them in for the Year to sell !

[if the children are going to buy any toys, etc - can you make sure they bring a carrier bag!]

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


A big thank you from the PTA.
Last term raised £312 for school. Well Done!

Next collection date is Wednesday 1st December, bags will go out to you this week - just in time for a sort out before Christmas!

Thank you again

Monday, 15 November 2010

Thank you!

Can I pass on my thanks to all parents for their help in enabling all of the staff who knew Mrs. Williams to show their respects at her funeral this afternoon, whilst keeping school open. Thanks also to all who have written comments for Janette's family. Some parents have asked about making a donation. Any donation can be sent to Cancer Research Wales at Velindre Hospital or we can collect it and pass it on for you. Finally, thank you for all of the lovely comments that have been made - Mrs. Williams clearly made a huge impression on the lives of children and parents at Maesybryn and we will miss her terribly.

Mr. Roberts

Friday, 5 November 2010


Thanks to everyone who has returned their sponsor money. So far we have raised over £600 to be distributed between the school, Sikusi Primary in Uganda and Diabetes UK. Once all of the money has come in, I shall invite someone from Diabetes UK to come in and collect a donation. Well done to everyone.

A reminder that the shoe boxes for the Christmas Child Appeal need to be in by Tuesday at the very latest. I have about 20 at the moment but would like to send 50 if possible.

The school has been chosen by the Souh Wales Echo to share with 99 other schools, £50,000. The size of the share we get depends on the number of tokens we collect from the newspaper as part of their "Kit4Kids" Please help us to collect as many as we can - the top pize is £5000!!!

Are any of you keen gardeners and could give up an hour over the next few weeks? Mrs. Hewison has managed to get over 2500 bulbs for us. We need to plant them over the next few weeks with the children. If you can help, please speak to Mrs. Decaro or myself.

Finally, my day has been made wonderful by a big smile and a visit from Tegan in our Reception class. Tegan has been very ill recently and to see her back here for a short while has cheered everyone up!!


Mr. Roberts