Maesybryn Primary School

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Thursday, 25 November 2010


Having seen the snow in other parts of the country, I thought it timely to remind you all of what to do if it snows. We will always try to keep the school open, even with a reduced staff but it may be necessary to close the school if conditions are too icy and dangerous or if it is impossible to get to the school. If this happens I shall make a decision by 7.30am in the morning and post this on the blog. If I can make this decision earlier, I shall but I would n't like to close the school the night before and then find the situation has changed over night. I also inform BBC Radio Wales and they update their website regularly. You can also ring the school from 8.00am onwards.

If it starts to snow during a school day and we have to close, we will ring you straight away but will always look after your children until someone collects, no child would be sent home unless we know that they will be looked after.

I hope that this is useful but that we do not have to use these procedures before Christmas. Just to remind you, if school is shut before Christmas, we will have to forfeit the INSET day on the 4th January and children will be expected into school on that day.

Thanks for your support.

Mr. Roberts

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