Maesybryn Primary School

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Sunday, 21 October 2012

ECO WEEK - Mon 23rd Oct -Fri 26th Oct

Travelling to school (Walking bus from Spar)
• Think about your journey to school. For the eco week we will be having a walking bus from the Spar shop at 8:45am lead by Mr Roberts to the school. Can infant children please be handed to staff by an adult as normal. So if you live locally bring your child to the spar and support us for the week.

Recycled Fashion Day
• Please support your child/children in making a recycled t-shirt to wear to school on Friday 26th October. This could be made of recycled materials e.g. cardboard, paper, plastic. The more imaginative the better. If you are struggling for ideas dress your child in a green t-shirt.

Fair Trade snack stall
• The school is hoping to run a fair trade snack stall this week. It will be open to KS2 children only and we would love for all children to try them. Details of price to follow.

Many thanks for your continued support and helping us to raise the environmental awareness of the children in school and at the home both this week and beyond.

Mrs Street. Eco Coordinator


  1. Do the children have to wear school uniform with a green t-shirt Friday? Thanks

    1. Yes they can wear the T shirt with their skirt or trousers and normal shoes. Thanks for your support.
      Mr. Roberts
