Maesybryn Primary School

Welcome to our blog that will keep you up to date with the events of the school. If you would like to view our web site click on the link.

Friday, 17 December 2010


When I decided to open this morning it had stopped snowing and no more was forecast until this afternoon. Unfortunately it has now started falling heavily and I have been advised that more is due this morning. Because of this we will now have to close.

We did try to stay open and 4o children have had breakfast but it would be irresponsible of me to keep staff and children here.

We will be open on Tuesday 4th January for children and staff.

Nadolig Llawen

Mr. Roberts


School will be open today but parents should be aware that the roads around the school are slippy. If you as parents feel that it is too slippy to walk then that is your decision and we willrespect that. Dinner is available as is Breakfast Club.

Please be aware that some snow could fall later so please keep in touch with the school.

Nadolig Llawen

Mr Roberts

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Well Done!!

I just wanted to say how proud I was of all of the children for performing so well in the Nursery Nativity, the Infant Show and the Junior Carol Service. All of them worked so hard and looked wonderful and sang beautifully. Also a big "thank you" to all of the staff of the school for their hard work in getting the children onto the stage - I am very grateful. WELL DONE!

Also a reminder that school closes on Friday at 3.25pm and reopens on Wednesday 5th January 2011 (unless there is snow this week, in which case we will open for children on Tuesday 4th).

From myself, staff and Governors,


Friday, 10 December 2010

Infant Concert Photographs and DVD's

Photographs of the Infant Concert will be on display in the main foyer of the school until Monday 13th December. They can be ordered from school priced at £1 each. Please complete the order form in the foyer, payment with order.
A DVD of the concert will be available at the price of £5 each. Please sent in order form [sent home today] with payment by Monday 13th December. if you haven't an order form please sent in envelope clearly marked. You probably will not get DVD before Christmas as we finish school on Friday 17th December - but we will try!

Monday, 6 December 2010


Just to remind everyone that there is no choir until after Christmas.  A big thankyou to all the children (and parents) who participated in the Christmas Festival last week.  Thanks, Mrs Jones.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Christmas Shopping?

The Pta have registered the school on the
If you are shopping please try and use this link and raise money for our school.

Every time you purchase from a retailer link on this site Maesybryn Primary School will earn a donation. Simply click on your chosen retailer and shop as usual. The hidden code in the link will be used to used to track your purchase back to the school.

Here are some of the sites available through this link - Early Learning Centre, Baker Ross, Yellow Moon, Mothercare, Tesco direct, Toyrus,

Please have a look
Many thanks

Snow update.

Parents, school will be open today but please take care of slippery patches around the school.
Thank you.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Book Fayre

Book Fayre is in school all the week from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. Any commission earned through sales during the fayre is used to purchase more books for school, so please come and support the school and do some Christmas shopping! If you can't get to school don't forget you can use the order form that was sent home last week.
Thank you for your support

School Open Mon 29th November

The school is open as normal.
If the school is closed at any time , a message will be posted here at 8am in the morning.

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Having seen the snow in other parts of the country, I thought it timely to remind you all of what to do if it snows. We will always try to keep the school open, even with a reduced staff but it may be necessary to close the school if conditions are too icy and dangerous or if it is impossible to get to the school. If this happens I shall make a decision by 7.30am in the morning and post this on the blog. If I can make this decision earlier, I shall but I would n't like to close the school the night before and then find the situation has changed over night. I also inform BBC Radio Wales and they update their website regularly. You can also ring the school from 8.00am onwards.

If it starts to snow during a school day and we have to close, we will ring you straight away but will always look after your children until someone collects, no child would be sent home unless we know that they will be looked after.

I hope that this is useful but that we do not have to use these procedures before Christmas. Just to remind you, if school is shut before Christmas, we will have to forfeit the INSET day on the 4th January and children will be expected into school on that day.

Thanks for your support.

Mr. Roberts

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Christmas Cards - Eco Schools Project

Dear Parents,
Here at Maesybryn Primary School we take pride in recycling and are very happy to have received our Bronze Award in Eco-schools.

We would like to continue our success from last year with children donating just ONE Christmas card to their whole class which will be displayed within the classroom. If children wish they could design their own card and have the pride of it being displayed in class.

Of course the giving of Christmas cards is a personal decision and your choice but we feel that with our vision of being an Eco-School in mind and the expense of cards at the moment, that this would be a worthwhile act.

We would be grateful for your co-operation and any thoughts.
Thank you
Mrs Street
Eco-School Project Leader

Saturday, 20 November 2010

After School Clubs

After school clubs for football, badminton, rugby and netball have now finished for Christmas.

However Mr Barratt is trying to arrange a rugby game for the Friday 10th December - details to follow.

Rugby training will resume on Friday 7th January 2011. Details for other clubs will follow in the new year.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Children In Need - Thursday 18th Nov - non school uniform day

The pupils in year 6 are organising Children in Need day tomorrow [Thursday 18th]. It is a non-school uniform day -fine is 50p.  Year 6 want pupils to come in their pyjamas!! [please don't wear slippers-trainers please! and remember to bring a coat!]

If you have any nearly new toys or books please bring them in for the Year to sell !

[if the children are going to buy any toys, etc - can you make sure they bring a carrier bag!]

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


A big thank you from the PTA.
Last term raised £312 for school. Well Done!

Next collection date is Wednesday 1st December, bags will go out to you this week - just in time for a sort out before Christmas!

Thank you again

Monday, 15 November 2010

Thank you!

Can I pass on my thanks to all parents for their help in enabling all of the staff who knew Mrs. Williams to show their respects at her funeral this afternoon, whilst keeping school open. Thanks also to all who have written comments for Janette's family. Some parents have asked about making a donation. Any donation can be sent to Cancer Research Wales at Velindre Hospital or we can collect it and pass it on for you. Finally, thank you for all of the lovely comments that have been made - Mrs. Williams clearly made a huge impression on the lives of children and parents at Maesybryn and we will miss her terribly.

Mr. Roberts

Friday, 5 November 2010


Thanks to everyone who has returned their sponsor money. So far we have raised over £600 to be distributed between the school, Sikusi Primary in Uganda and Diabetes UK. Once all of the money has come in, I shall invite someone from Diabetes UK to come in and collect a donation. Well done to everyone.

A reminder that the shoe boxes for the Christmas Child Appeal need to be in by Tuesday at the very latest. I have about 20 at the moment but would like to send 50 if possible.

The school has been chosen by the Souh Wales Echo to share with 99 other schools, £50,000. The size of the share we get depends on the number of tokens we collect from the newspaper as part of their "Kit4Kids" Please help us to collect as many as we can - the top pize is £5000!!!

Are any of you keen gardeners and could give up an hour over the next few weeks? Mrs. Hewison has managed to get over 2500 bulbs for us. We need to plant them over the next few weeks with the children. If you can help, please speak to Mrs. Decaro or myself.

Finally, my day has been made wonderful by a big smile and a visit from Tegan in our Reception class. Tegan has been very ill recently and to see her back here for a short while has cheered everyone up!!


Mr. Roberts

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

A Message form Mr. Roberts

Thanks to all of you who have asked how I got on last Sunday. I finished in 1hr 51mins and despite the talk in the papers, it felt like 13.1 miles to me. It was also great to see the children enjoying their sponsored walk / run on Monday. If we could have any sponsor money by the first week back after the holiday, I would be very grateful - thanks for your generosity!

Harvest festival is being held tomorrow but unfortunately we can't fit parents in, although we were able to show the Infant parents a taster yesterday - it was lovely to see you all.

I have had a lot of Parent Responses and the vast majority have been very positive. One or two issues have been mentioned and these will be addressed in November. One common one was not knowing how to complain. Complaints do arise from time to time and should be dealt with by the teacher or then by myself. If there are still issues then you have the right to contact the school Governors. Details are available on request or within the School Prospectus.

I will send details to you this week of Inset Days and dates until July. I have had to make some changes due to the Welsh Assembly deciding to make two of the seven Inset Days floating in case there is snow - I felt that a paper copy might be more useful.

We have had a small problem with the blog. I thought no one wanted to contact us but it seems that all comments are being stored rather than posted. Mrs. Evans is trying to rectify this today so sorry if you have made a comment and not received a reply.

Finally, both Mrs. Burton-Little and Mrs. Price will be starting their maternity leave after the Half Term holiday. We wish them both best wishes and look forward to seeing their babies before Christmas. Mrs. Price's class will be taught by Miss Cridland and Mrs. Burton-Little's class by Mrs. Morris - both know the school very well.

Have a lovely holiday next week and we will see all children back on Monday 1st November.

Mr. Roberts

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Go Mr Roberts!

Pob lwc Mr Roberts - we will all be cheering you on on Sunday with the Cardiff half marathon! Go for it!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

After School Clubs

Clubs starting this week -
Football for Year's 3 + 4 starts Tuesday 21st Sept
Choir fur all Juniors starts Tuesday 21st Sept
Football for Year's 5 + 6 starts Wednesday 22nd Sept

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Back to School

I hope that you all had a lovely holiday and are all ready for the start of school next week - I know Mums and Dads are looking forward to it !!. There has been a lot of work at school over the holidays and the new classroom is nearly ready, as are the new toilets in Mr. Dowd's new classroom. Mr. Bob Gay and his family have transformed the overgrown woodland at the front of the school and even the front gates have been painted. The teachers and support staff are all going to a training centre on Thursday but Mrs. Rees and Mrs. Franklin will be in school to help any parents and we will all be there on Friday getting ready for when the children start on Monday 6th September. Enjoy the last few days of the holiday and the sunshine and I will see you all next week.

Mr. Roberts

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sikusi Primary School
e- mail -
11th July 2010

Dear parents of Maesybryn Primary School,
Mulembe! On behalf of the entire community of Sikusi Primary School, I appreciate the friendship between our two schools. The visit of the two teachers of Maesybryn to Sikusi in February 2010 has caused a change in Sikusi. This is in the area of the environment where trees have been planted, a fence has been constructed half way , to put off trespassing and of course the library where pupils are reading to improve their reading skills. We enjoyed and shared different experiences with Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins.
The staff and pupils are excited about my visit and we hope that the friendship is going to be strengthened . Your concern , as parents of Maesybryn, for Sikusi primary is very much appreciated by the whole school community and we send you greetings.


Sunday, 27 June 2010

Ugandan head teacher's visit.

Exciting news- I have just booked flights for the head teacher of Sikusi Primary School in Mbale, Milka Wanda Kitui, to visit us from Wednesday July 7th to Wednesday July 14th!
Let's all give her the warmest of welcomes and make her feel quite at home with us.

Mrs Decaro

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Pupils Art Exhibition

The Pupil Art Exhibition was held today in the hall. All the pictures were brilliant! If you could not make the exhibition today you still have the chance to buy your child's picture. The pictures will remain in school all next week, so if the come to the office Mrs Rees or Mrs Franklin will help you out.

Monday, 21 June 2010

After school clubs

There is no netball, cricket or athletics this week (w/c 21st June).

Mini music club as ended for the year, along with netball.

Tennis will be on Wednesday this week (w/c 21st June). The last tennis club for the term will be next week on Thursday 1st July.

Friday, 18 June 2010

After school club for cricket and athletics

Cricket and athletics after school clubs are cancelled for w/c 21st June because Mr Monk is on a school trip on Tuesday and on a course on Wednesday.

Thank you
Mrs Rees

Thursday, 17 June 2010

School Photographs

As you know we have had a photographer in school today. All the pupils have had their individual portraits taken but unfortunately we have run out of time today to complete all sibling photographs. Year 6 with siblings however have been done because they will be leaving our school in July.
The photographer will be returning in September to take sibling photographs and individual portraits.
We hope to book the photographer again in the next week or so to do whole class photographs.
We will confirm these dates shortly.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Tesco Vouchers for Schools

Thank you all for bringing in your Tesco Vouchers - we've collected approx 45K - we have arranged for them to be collected on Wednesday 10th June - so if you have any more please bring them on Monday 7th June

Once again thank you.
Mrs Rees

Prepartion for Sports Day

Please note that all pupils in Years 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 will need their PE in school EVERY DAY after the holiday in preparation for the sports day on Thursday 24th June [weather permitting!]

Thank you

Monday, 24 May 2010

After School Clubs

After School Clubs for this week are as normal. EXCEPT MINI MUSIC [Mrs Decaro is at a meeting]

After half-term there are as follows -
Tuesday - Netball for Years 5&6
- Cricket for Years 5&6
Wednesday - Athletics for all juniors
- Tennis for Years 5&6
Thursday - Mini Music for Year 2 will continue until the Fete [Saturday 19th June]

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Athletics -cancelled - Wednesday 19th May

Due to unforeseen circumstances athletics after school will be cancelled for Wednesday 19th May.

thank yo
Mrs Rees

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Diolch yn fawr to all our volunteers who started on their placements this week! Hope you all enjoyed yourselves ! Welcome on board!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Sports Days

Sports day for Years 1-6 will be held on Thursday 24th June at 1.30pm [weather permitting!]

Reception and Nursery Sports will be held on Monday 28th June at 2pm [again weather permitting]

[Reserve Sports day for Y1-6 is Tuesday 29th June]

Tesco Vouchers For Schools

If you have any vouchers in pockets or purses or wallets please can you send them in this week so we can get counting! We've got around 20,000 so far! This year we are using them against ICT equipment, etc.

Thank you

Mrs Rees

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Plants and Volunteers

A big thank you to all of you who have sent in shrubs and plants for the new planters. We could still do with a few more and I have written to Costain to ask for donations from the thousands they must have to plant soon along the road - have also had a few freebies from B&Q. Also a big thank you to those who volunteered to help out in school. Mrs. Decaro has a list now but any other names are extremely welcome.

Finally, we have spaces available in Breakfast Club. Just ask Mrs. Rees for a form.

Have a lovely weekend.


Friday, 30 April 2010

So Proud

What a wonderful week. I have been so proud of everyone. On Monday I received a certificate from the NSPCC for the amazing £2600 that was raised by the school to stop cruelty to children. Then on Wednesday I watched our Year 6 present their SAFE project to parents and staff from all of the cluster schools and the police. I have to say that ours were clearly the best in their presentation and behaviour - a credit to us all. The week ended with our fabulous African celebration. It was fantastic to see the children's work and the experiences of Mrs. Decaro and Mrs. Dobbins. We are so grateful to all who attended and helped raise £590 for our twin school in Uganda - they will now be able to buy a new well and possibly the solar panel. What is more, we have gained a tremendous bank of work for all areas of the curriculum. Can I thank all of you but especially my wonderful staff and brilliant children for making all of this possible.

Don't forget there is no school on Monday - so enjoy the long weekend.

Mr. Roberts

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Maesybryn says "Mwlembe!"

Don't forget our African evening next Thursday at 6pm. Come and find out about our trip to Uganda.....see what went on at school last week.....enjoy some African themed entertainment.....
also stalls- fairtrade tombola, nearly new jewellery and accessories, name the elephant, sportswear (new) - donated by WRU, refreshments, raffle....
(any donations to the above stalls welcomed!)

See you there!

Friday, 23 April 2010

Bag2school Fund Raiser

The PTA are organising 'Bag2school'this term. Please collect up your unwanted clothes,etc. Bags will go home on Friday 11th June. These should then be brought back to school on Wednesday 16th June for collection. Last time we did this we raised £246.00!

Mrs Channon

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Important - Letters to Parents

This week we are sending out various letters to parents are regarding changes planned for this the Summer Term and Autumn Term.
  • Homework
  • School Times
  • Music
  • Volunteers

If you do not receive these letters please let us know ASAP. More information will be placed on the Blogg shortly.

Monday, 19 April 2010

After School Clubs start this week

After School Clubs – Summer Term
The following clubs will be run after school this term
starting next week [19th April 2010]
Monday Martial Arts Year 5/6 [Outside Coach]

Tuesday Cookery Year 3 [Mrs Burton-Little]
Tuesday Netball Year 5/6 [Miss Jervis/Mrs Price]
Tuesday Football Year 3/4 [until half-term] [Mr Monk]
Cricket Year 5/6 Letters to follow [start after half-term][Mr Monk]

Wednesday Rugby Year 5/6 [for 2 weeks] [Mr Monk]
Athletics All Juniors Letters to follow [start w/c 3rd May][Mr Monk]
Wednesday Badminton Year 5/6 [until half-term] [Mr Roberts]
Tennis Letters to follow [start after half-term][Mr Roberts]
Thursday Music Year 2 [Mrs Decaro]

Clubs will start straight after school and finish at 4.30pm [except Mini Music which finishes at 4.15pm.] Parents will be responsible for their child after 4.30 p.m.

Mr Roberts
Head teacher

Monday, 12 April 2010

After School Clubs

After school clubs will resume week commencing 19th April 2010

Friday, 9 April 2010

Africa week

At Maesybryn we are all looking forward to celebrating Africa week - April 19th - 23rd. We are expecting many visitors to help us learn about Africa - including an art workshop, African drumming session, an African storyteller and lots more...On Thursday, April 29th, at 6pm we are holding an African evening - for parents and friends, called
Maesybryn says "Mwlembe!"
There will be African entertainment, news of our friends in Sikusi Primary School, an exhibition of Africa week activities, stalls, raffle, entertainment. Don't miss it!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Easter Fayre and Parties

Thank you for all your support and help at these events. The Fayre was very successful once again and we raised approx £300. The parties were very enjoyable [!!!] and load and raised approx £400! Thank you you for sending in children's raffle money which raised £109 and will be drawn this morning.
Thank you to all PTA members for helping out at the events, a special thank you to Heather Robinson for making a fantastic Easter Bunny! and we wish Gill a speedy recovery.
Have a Hoppy Happy Easter!!


Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Easter Blog

With only two days left until the holiday, I wanted to comment on all of the exciting things that are happening. We had a wonderful Easter Parade this afternoon - the hats were wonderful and I can't wait for mine!!! The parents in Area 3 raised nearly £200 towards their outside area. Over the holiday new planters, canopies and flooring will be installed as a result. The children were absolutely wonderful.

You have all noticed the willow play area which the children helped construct - they worked really hard. This is the first part of the environmental work planned by the children before Christmas. Soon we hope to develop the woodland area and allotment area so that the children can grow vegetables.

The playground painting has also begun and seating and benches will be installed over the holiday - all kindly donated by the PTA. The first patchwork quilt has been completed and is now displayed in the hall. I hope to have the other three completed soon but would welcome any help in this.

Finally, I was amazed by the kindness of you all in raising over£2600 for the NSPCC - this is mind blowing and I am so proud.

On behalf of the staff of the school, can I wish you a lovely Easter holiday and try not to eat too much chocolate!!!

Mr. Roberts

Events and Term Dates for 2010 and 2011

Please see diary at the bottom of Blogg - more events will be added shortly.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Easter Parties - Thursday 25th March

Nursery 2 – 3pm
Easter Egg Hunt! Party clothes to be worn to school. Crisps & drink included. £1.00

Infants 5.00 - 6.30pm [After School]
Entrance fee £1.50 Children’s entertainer, games, crisps & drink included. All children need to be collected from the hall & not the school gate, thank you.

Juniors 7 – 8.30pm [After School]
Entrance fee £1.00 Disco & tuck shop. All children need to be collected from the hall & not the school gate, thank you.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Non uniform day - Thursday 18th March

Don't forget non uniform day Thursday 18th March because there is a Easter Fayre straight after school!
Forfeit for nursery pupils - pre-packed cakes : infants and juniors - Easter Eggs

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Choir After School Club

Sorry for the short notice, but choir is cancelled for tonight [16th March] as Mrs Jones is not in school. If you cannot collect your child at the normal time, don't worry there will be other staff in school.

Monday, 15 March 2010

PTA Easter Fayre -Thursday 18th March

PTA Easter Fayre starts straight after school on Thursday 18th March.

It will be a non-uniform day. The forfeit for wearing non-uniform will be -

Nursery -pre-packed cakes
Infants & Juniors - Easter Eggs

[Juniors will finish at 3.25pm on this day]

After School Hockey Club

There will be no more hockey club after school this term.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Chairing of the bard- A oes heddwch?

Yes, there was "heddwch" (Peace) at Maesybryn last Friday when the winner of the Eisteddfod literary competition was "chaired". Mr Roberts announced the winner by the pseudonym "Candy Cane". At the fanfare- the winner stood- and we saw it was Phoebe Thomas- year 5. Ardderchog, Phoebe- your story was indeed amazing. After the traditional sword ceremony, she was greeted by the flower dancers from class 7, then serenaded by many items including a violin solo from Niamh Fish, folk dancers from class 4 and a selection of Eisteddfod winners. My own "Seren yr Eisteddfod" award would certainly go to Luis Morgan with his action packed recititation- "Fy ngol gyntaf". The individual champion this year, having won two first and one third prize was Caitlin Jones, year 3- da iawn Caitlin.
We have lots of talent at our school -it is great to showcase it!
Mrs Decaro

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Hockey After School Club

Hockey After School Club for today [Thursday 4th March] is cancelled, apologies for short notice.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Eisteddfod bendigedig!

What a fabulous Eisteddfod -da iawn pawb! All children took part with Welsh poems and songs.The adjudicators - Mrs Janet Williams and Mr Huw F. Lewis from the Welsh advisory service at ESIS congratulated everyone on the very high standard of Welsh . We dedicated the Eisteddod to our friends at Sikusi Primary School. The children there are also proud of their culture and heritage - and love to sing and dance!
By the way, Sikusi now has a new library, courtesy of the mound of books donated by Maesybryn children last October. They were delighted! They were also very excited by the gifts we took out for them - the big books, footballs, yo-yos, bouncy balls, bubbles and of course the parachute. They also now all have an exercise book and pencil each, bought with your donations. Their pencils and books are very precious to them, they take them everywhere and use the pencils until they are tiny stubs - a lesson for us not to be so wasteful!
Diolch yn fawr everybody for your support and interest!
Mrs Decaro

Diary Dates

We have been busy booking trips. Please see diary [scroll down to bottom of blogg] for details. Letters will be sent home in due course with further details with permission slips, etc.

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Badminton After School Club -change of day

This weeks badminton after school club will be on Thursday [25th Feb] instead of Wednesday.

Asbestos query

We currently have Certificate issued by RCT on 13.11.09 stating 'no asbestos detected in samples taken' [this certificate was issued after all refurbishment was completed].
The survey is reviewed periodically [last reviewed in January 2010].

Monday, 22 February 2010

Netball After School Club

Netball after school club is cancelled for this week - Tuesday 23rd February. Thank you


Bore da bawb! We are on the last leg of our l-o-o-o-n-g journey home, having had a truly memorable experience. Can't wait to share it with you all!

Obei Mwlai!

Mrs Dobbins, Mrs Decaro and Blodwen Bear

Friday, 12 February 2010

Half Term Holiday

I cannot believe that Half Term is here already. It has been a strange start to the term with the snow but can I say a big thank you to all of you for your support in keeping the school open.

Thanks must also be said for the donations given for Uganda and Haiti. Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins left this morning at 6.00am for Uganda and I can't wait to hear about the work that they will be doing out there. Also thanks for the support at the quiz night.

I hope that you found the information sheets about what your child is learning in school useful and that you will see changes to homework after Half Term. Also please visit the blog as it is very informative. Breakfast Club is going very well and there are places available.

I hope that the weather stays dry this week as the painter is due at some point this month to paint the yard - we could also do with a break from snow and rain.

Have a lovely week off and we will see all of you on Monday 22nd February. Don't forget Parents' Evening in March.

Mr. Roberts

p.s. Don't eat too many pancakes.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Badminton After School Club

Today's badminton club will go ahead

Haiti Appeal

Congratulations to all the children who initiated the H. H. H. fund raising venture, you raised £ 377 at the last count. You should feel very proud of yourselves as it was all your own idea and totally organised by you as well.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

HHH - Help Haiti's Homeless

Dear Parents and children,

A group of us children from Class 2 and Class 3 have got together to try and raise money for the poor people of Haiti.

We have designed a HHH logo which stands for Help Haiti’s Homeless.

On Friday morning 5th February we are holding a ‘mixed sale’ of soft toys, books, games, etc.
We hope you will help us, help them, by supporting our sale.

All infant and nursery children to bring in carrier bag for their purchases.

Yours faithfully


Monday, 1 February 2010

Secondary Education in the Future

I have been asked by the Headteacher of Bryncelynnog Comprehensive School to make you aware of a special meeting at 7pm on Tuesday 2nd February in their school canteen. The purpose is to make current and future parents aware of the proposals for Secondary schools in RCT. This could involve the closure of Sixth Forms or even the closure of some secondary schools. The Headteacher is concerned that this may include Bryncelynnog.

She is expecting a large meeting due to the seriousness of the proposals but would welcome parents of primary school children as these are the future of her school.

If you can attend it may be of considerable interest to you. These are early days for the proposals but it is important that you are aware.

If you want further information please contact Bryncelynnog on 203411.

Mr. Roberts

Friday, 29 January 2010

Uganda flag day

Diolch yn fawr to all of you for supporting our Uganda flag day. We raised around £380. Da iawn! We all enjoyed a special assembly with Mrs Mary West and a group of pupils from Bryncelynnog who visited Mbale last summer. Thank you too for all individuals who have donated various items for us to take out -Ffion and Nathan for the maths sets, Amy for her bouncy balls, Mr Hole for the skipping ropes, Grace and Sophie for the toys......We still have room in our cases for deflated footballs and pumps, bubbles, posters or small items.......
We are counting down the days now....
Mrs Decaro and Mrs Dobbins

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Tuesday 9th Feb - St david's day Photos

Dress code - welsh costume or welsh rugby shirt BUT definitely NO JEANS.

thank you

Uganda Flag day - Friday 29th Jan

Dress code for the day is
Tops - one colour only if possible either Black, red or yellow.Please can you wear either 'school bottoms' or smart jeans/trousers.

thank you

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

After School Badminton Club-Wed 27th Jan

Due to unforeseen circumstances Mr Roberts has had to cancel badminton club for Wed 27th Jan. The Children have been told this afternoon. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you
Mrs Rees

Monday, 25 January 2010

St David's Day Photographs

A photographer from the Pontypridd Observer will visit school on Tuesday
9th February [after lunch] to take photographs of pupils in their Welsh costumes. If you wish your child to be included in these photographs, please send in their Welsh costume in a bag on this day. Nursery pupils can come to school wearing their Welsh costume.

The School Eisteddfod will be held on 1st March (St David’s Day).
All pupils can come to school in their Welsh costumes.

Friday, 22 January 2010


It does seem strange not writing every day on the blog but I am glad that the snow has gone for the moment at least! I intend to write on this page every Friday so please continue to look and use the class pages.

You will notice a new page - ECO SCHOOLS - Mrs. Street is leading this and we hope to achieve our Bronze award by the Summer. Any suggestions for how we can be greener could be posted on there.

Clubs start next week and you should all have letters. There may seem to be more clubs aimed at the older children but this is due to the weather and the dark night - come the Summer and there will be more for the younger children.

We are all very excited about the trip to Uganda at Half Term and I would like to thank Mrs. Decaro and Mrs. Dobbins for giving up their holiday in this way. Please support our flag day next Friday. On a similar note, the children have asked if they can hold a bring-and-buy event for Haiti. They have been very saddened by the news from there and want to do something. They will be writing to you all soon about this.

Finally, can I thank you for the responses to the traffic questionaire - Mrs. Dean is going to have a lot to read and summarise for me!!

Great to see everyone back in the school and remember that you can always contact me by e-mail on on any matter.


Mr. Roberts

Friday, 15 January 2010


A big thank you to everyone, parents, children and staff for these last two difficult weeks. We have all pulled together and I am very proud of everyone - I hope that we will see no more snow and life can get back to normal.

Due to the disruption, there will be no after school clubs next week as we need to get letters to you. They will all start the following week(W/B 25th January.


We still aim to start this on Monday 1st February. I shall send letters to all who indicated that they wanted to take part next week.

Have a good weekend and back to hard work on Monday!!!


End of school day today

End of school day

Mr Roberts has been around the schoolyard this afternoon checking on conditions.

Please collect pupils from their normal points.
The road outside the school is clear but the pavements a little slippery.

If you are collecting nursery pupils you may take older siblings with you today.

Thank you
Mrs Rees, Clerk


School will be open for those who feel that it is safe to get there. All staff will be there but parents should decide if they wish their child to attend.

I would ask that cars are not driven up to the school this morning. I expect the road to be better this afternoon but check the blog first.

For those who do not attend - the absence will be authorised due to bad weather.

Many thanks for the comments and I will respect all decisions made by parents today.

Mr. Roberts

Thursday, 14 January 2010


I have visited the school this afternoon and the roads to the school are similar to how they were earlier in the week, except that temperatures are rising and there is a thaw. The hill outside of the school is mostly slush.

The situation would change if ice were to form over night as the roads would then be very difficult. The weather forecast does not suggest this and that it will get warmer.

With this in mind I hope to open the school tomorrow unless ice forms ( if this happens then we will have to stay closed). A decision will be made either way at 7.00am tomorrow but I strongly expect the thaw to continue.

Having read parent comments I appreciate that some parents feel it is still dangerous where they live. If you feel that it is not possible to get to school then I will respect this and record the absence as authorised - I will leave the decision to you.

I would ask that no vehicles move around the school entrance between 8.45 and 9.15 - the situation may be very different in the afternoon.


Thanks for your support

Mr. S. Roberts

Wednesday, 13 January 2010


Having waited to see if there was any sign of a thaw, I have decided to close tomorrow. The snow will be no better at 9.00am and it was difficult enough on Monday and Tuesday. All the other schools in the cluster are shutting, although I am not certain about the Comprehensive.

I hope that the weather improves and we can be in on Friday but I will have to wait until tomorrow night to be sure.

Thanks for the comments today but clearing the road does have some legal implications if an accident occurs after the paths are cleared.

Enjoy the snow tomorrow and look here for updates for Friday.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Roberts


Due to the snow, school is closed today. I am not hopeful for tomorrow (Thursday) but I will update this page later this afternoon .

Enjoy the snow - I have over 20cm in Pentyrch and it is still snowing!!!!

Mr Roberts

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


It seems that we are going to see a lot of snow tonight and I very much doubt that we will be open tomorrow. Please keep an eye on this blog page and I will post a decision in the morning between 7am and 7.30am. It would be wise to make childcare arrangements tonight just in case.

Can I thank you all again for today. However, can I remind all parents that we have only opened this week because I have asked you to park at the bottom and walk. I cannot operate this without support from everyone. Several people chose to drive up to school today and this creates a risk to the children. If in future, I cannot operate this policy successfully then I will have one option and that is to close the school whilst there is ice on the hill - this must surely be more inconvenient than walking a short distance. My only concern is the safety of the children, staff and parents. I hope that I can count on this support next time so that we can stay open when many other schools are closed.

Enjoy the snow children and work on those fabric squares. When finished they are going to be used to make a curtain for the back of the school hall so be bright and imaginative. Also if you take any pictures in the snow bring them in to school and we can put some of them on the class blog page.

Many thanks,

Mr. Roberts

School to open weather permitting!

For Wednesday 13th January.
The latest weather report suggests heavy snow is likely tonight. If this materializes it is highly unlikely that the school will be open BUT please check here or on BBC website, a decision will be made by 7.30am if not before.

Thank you for your co-operation.

PTA meeting - New Date

Hi All,
PTA meeting for Wednesday 13th January has been re-scheduled for Wednesday 20th January due to the roads conditions around the school.

Many thanks
Mrs Rees

End of school day for Tuesday

Hi All,
Please can we do the same as yesterday as the hill is still icy. Pupils with older siblings can be collected at the same time. Please collect all pupils from main entrance.

thank you for your patience.
Mrs Rees, School Clerk

Monday, 11 January 2010

Weather on Tuesday 12th January

Thanks to everyone for this afternoon - I'm really pleased with how it went today. The reason for stopping traffic outside of the school was to remove any risk to the children from sliding cars etc. The road is still icy so I would like to do the same tomorrow - park at the bottom and walk up.

I have received a severe weather warning for tomorrow. Snow is forecast for 3.00pm and there could be up to 12cm. Once it starts to snow it may be wise to come and collect. If you can't get to school before 3.35 do not worry, your child will be safe in school until you arrive! Check the blog or ring if you are concerned.

The comments today were very positive and I apologise if I have not replied to your comments on the blog - it has been rather hectic today.


Many thanks,

Mr. Roberts

End of the Day

Dear Parents,
Thanks for this morning - it went really well. The hill is still icy- so can you all park at the bottom and walk up to collect your children. Please collect your children from the front entrance of the school.

More snow is forecast for tomorrow! A decision will be made by 7.30am tomorrow morning at the latest and posted here and on the BBC website.

Many thanks
Mr Roberts

Sunday, 10 January 2010


At this point in time (Sunday 10th Jan 2010) we are proposing to open the school tomorrow morning. We are advising parents and staff to park their cars on Queen's Drive, where there will be staff members to accompany the children to school. The incline on Lancaster Drive is treacherous and we are trying to prevent any accidents from occurring. Any parent wishing to keep their child home from school due to dangerous walkways may do so. The child will be issued with an authorised absence not an unauthorised absence as was reported in the press last week. I would encourage you to check this blog for any changes should we have any further falls of snow this evening. Thank you.

Friday, 8 January 2010


Dear Parents, We are doing our utmost to open the school on Monday. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Hole will be visiting the school on Sunday evening to assess the situation. Unfortunately, we cannot predict the weather and as more snow has been forecast for Sunday night it is suggested that you view the blog for frequent updates. Thank you for your kind comments about our new blog and web site, it has been a learning curve for us all........and we're still learning.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

School Closure - Friday 8th January

Due to the continued icy conditions on the access roads to the school it has been decided to close the school on Friday 8th January. This decision was not taken lightly but due to the under foot conditions it was the only course of action we could take.
Hopefully we will be in a position to be able to reopen the school on Monday.
Fingers crossed!!!

SNOW 7th Jan 2010

School will be closed today due to the icy conditions. Check this blog about the decision as to whether the school will be open tomorrow.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Let it snow, let it snow!!!

Morning everyone.If you havent already looked outside it has snowed all night and is still snowing. As the roads to the school are impassable the school is closed today. We will keep you updated about future progress.

Enjoy the snow!?!?!?

Cross Inn from my house
Mrs Rees
School Cerk